Friday, December 27, 2019

Still Your Turn Mapping Compensation Strategy - 1137 Words

Still Your Turn Mapping Compensation Strategy In summarizing the key points of our company’s strategy, this is what the observation show. Billy Joe’s Fashions LLC retails their high class and affordable fashion clothing through web sites events, flea markets, and catalogs. The clothing is not only stylishly different but comes from some of the finest quality materials. The company is utilizing southern cotton, and synthetic polyester so that the cloth is not only affordable but tremendously stunning and attractive. Billy Joe’s Fashions Clothing is delivered through salespersons to customers via flea markets, personal shopping, websites and catalogs. BJ’s is the undeniable and unique place to buy from because of the extensive selections offered to our customers. In addition to that, the sale people are experts in the field. Their philosophy is to place service above self and to operate with integrity always looking for new ways to grow and improve customer satisfaction. The mission is to provide cloth ing for every home in America and changing the lives by changing their appearance. BJ’s Clothing premise is that this clothing line will create an opportunity for other men and women to start their businesses and achieve financial independence doing the kind of work they are excited. The key points that are being discovered about BJ’s Clothing are prominence. â€Å"Prominence is the measure of how important total compensation is in the overall HR strategy† (Milkovich, 2014, p.54).Show MoreRelatedEssay on Mapping Compensation Strategies678 Words   |  3 PagesCase Assignment Still Your Turn – Mapping Compensation Strategies, p. 57.- Do the first two questions in the gray box. Please submit a map modeled after the one on p. 48. Q 1: Summarize the key points of your company’s strategy. A1: Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry (TLFJ), LLC sells its high-quality, affordable fashion jewelry through special events, home shows, and catalogs. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why Is of Mice and Men Described as a Tragic Novel

I would regard the film mice and men as a tragic novel which is full of many dreams that don’t come true, and that being the overall message and tragedy throughout the story. Steinbeck represents tragedy in many events, through many of the characters, the main example of tragedy i would say to me would be the fact the characters George and Lennie have so much hope and dreams that all end in the worst. They have always been a team and George has always convinced Lennie that ‘We got a future.’ And always tells him the story: ‘ok, someday- we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and..’. Every time Lennie hears this story it reassures him and cheers him up. Lennie is†¦show more content†¦There is also tragedy through racism and discrimation against crooks throughout the book which is mainly shown in chapter four where Curly s wife verbally attacks him and makes him feel worthless by saying ‘Listen, Nigger, you know what i can do to you if you open your trap?’ This makes Crooks realise that no one would listen to him and that she could do much more harm to him than he could to her. ‘Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ant even funny.’ There is also the killing of Candy’s dog by Carlson. Candy is shown to of loved his dog very much and to have he had him since he was a pup, he was the only one there for him however the dog was to old and was causing to much trouble with the other men who complained about his smell. Carlson said it would be best for everyone to Candy and that he would shoot him in the back of the head so he would feel no pain. When this happened Candy was very upset as he lost his dog that meant everything to him, and regretted letting Carlson kill him instead of him because it wasn’t out of love. This is very similar i think to the terribly tragedy ending where George shoots Lennie. It is done the same way ‘in the back of the head’ however this time it was done out of love by George rather than letting someone else do it out of selfishness. Lennie had always been part of George and they stuck together throughShow MoreRelated What Contribution Does Curleys Wife Make to Of Mice and Men?637 Words   |  3 PagesWhat Contribution Does Curleys Wife Make to Of Mice and Men? Curleys wife is the most dangerous character in the novel, because she is the loneliest one. Because of her need for attention, she destroys George and Lennies dream of living off the fatta the lan. The appearance and clothing of Curleys wife have a symbolic meaning. She is described as a purty woman because she is always made up. Even on the ranch she has full, rouged lips and her hair lies in little rolled clustersRead MoreLife of Americans in the 1930s in John Stienbecks of Mice and Men/Original Writing856 Words   |  4 PagesLife of Americans in the 1930s in John Stienbecks of Mice and Men/Original Writing What does John Stienbecks Of Mice and Men tell us about life in America in the 1930s? John Steinbecks novels can all be classified as social novels dealing with the economic problems of rural labour in America during the 1920s and 30s. Steinbeck uses setting, theme, characterisation, and a modernist simple style to portray a 1930s American society, which was isolating, alienatingRead MoreDiscrimination in the Book â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck1451 Words   |  6 PagesDiscrimination was one of the issues that caused conflict in the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck. 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In this essay I will compare the two characters ‘Eva Smith’ and ‘Curley’s Wife’ on how they being presented as victims, similarities and their classes. An Inspector Calls was set in 1912 when the First World War was about to start but then this novel was written in 1945. Also there was a really big distinctions between the upper and the lower classesRead MoreOf Mice and Men-Curleys Wife Analysis2542 Words   |  11 PagesOf Mice and Men  is a novel set on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California, during the  Great Depression  of the 1930s by John Steinbeck. It was the first work to bring  Steinbeck’s  national recognition as a writer. The book addresses the real hopes and dreams of working-class America. Steinbecks short novel raises the lives of the poor and dispossessed to a higher, symbolic level. The title suggests that plans of Mice and Men often go awry, a reference to Robert Burn’s poem To a Mouse.  Since

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

IHRM Text and Cases

Question: Discuss about the IHRM for Text and Cases. Answer: Introduction The large scale expansion of multinational organizations has indicates that enterprises have identified the drawbacks of operating in a single geographical jurisdiction or country. The contemporary business environment is characterized by dynamics and hence companies are directed towards sending employees to foreign units of the enterprise. Therefore, competitiveness in the domain of international business could be achieved only through international human resource management (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The increasing number of expatriates employed in international assignments has created new prospects for realizing a varied assortment of functional and developmental entities in the sector of international business. Expatriates have become an inevitable constituent of organizational strategies pertaining to international business. Expatriates are responsible for catering the diverse needs of an enterprise during globalization such as management of crucial projects, fulfillment of staf fing needs in the subsidiaries and operational units of the company in foreign jurisdiction, realizing competency in the distinct units and transfer of knowledge pertaining to organizational operations, processes and responsibilities (Aswathappa, 2013). Therefore, the significance of expatriates for multinational corporations could be clearly apprehended from the distinct roles assumed by them. Hence, the need for management of cross-cultural effectiveness and the adjustment of expatriates have been included as profoundly functional activities pertaining to human resources of a multinational organization. Pre-departure training It is imperative that the rising number of expatriates has led to a drastic changeover in the field of international business and intercultural adaptability has been considered as a major contribution to the efficiency of international assignments. As per Bratton Gold International assignments involve substantial investments and the primary cause of failure in international assignments is reflected in the lack of intercultural adaptability which are necessary for expatriates to cope with the new business environment as well as the foreign culture (Bratton Gold, 2012). Managers appointed for international assignments are generally selected on the basis of performance in the domestic jurisdiction. It is also observed that the most prominent areas which require pre departure training involve association with language facilities, local traditions, social behavior and beliefs as well as the political environment of the foreign jurisdiction. The views of several researchers and authors i n the domain of international human resource management have suggested that the success of pre departure training is solely dependent on the provision of a plan which could enable the individuals to cope with the new cultural setting without any potential setbacks. Intercultural orientation is considered as a prolific aspect of pre departure training as it helps the expatriates to be prepared for unprecedented events in the novel business environment. Apprehension of social attitudes as well as the political scenario in an international business assignment is also included as a vital inclusion in the pre departure training. According to Budhwar Debrah, expatriates with the ability to predict socio-political adjustments and their subsequent implications for the operations of their enterprise in the foreign jurisdiction must be emphasized for international business assignment (Budhwar Debrah, 2013). The most common benefits which could be drawn from pre departure training include clear identification and observation of disparities among different cultures and countries, adoption of behavioral practices for adapting to the new post and establishment of a cognizable cultural framework for understanding the behavior, values and norms of the resident population. According to Caligiuri, components of best practice pre departure training could be apprehended from the generalization of various theories and models laid out by authors and researchers in the domain of international business management (Caligiuri et al., 2001). The distinct components of a pre departure training program comprise of language training, practical support, training on cultural awareness and preliminary visits. Moderation of the individual factors in pre departure training could ensure that the expatriates are able to complete their period of stay in the international business assignments and acquire the desired returns on investments in the projects. Preliminary visits account for a superficial apprehension of the host country environment. Expatriates should be sent to foreign countries intended by the organization for short trips. As per Mendenhall, Mark Gnter, this initiative could enable the potential expatriates to evaluate the feasibility of their living in the foreign environment. The trips are also responsible for introduction of expatriates to the context of contemporary business in the host country (Mendenhall, Mark Gnter, 2000). The initial adjustment process could also be facilitated through preliminary visits and hence the pre departure training program receives substantial support from preliminary visits. Practical support should be provided to the expatriates in the pre departure training which are responsible for helping the expatriates and their families to accept the new foreign environment. Mendenhall, Mark Gnter futher added that the practical assistance should be offered through the provision of facilities for determining appropriate schooling and health facilities as well as accommodation. Language training is a considerable investment that could be made in the pre departure training since language is the conduit which holds people together (Mendenhall, Mark Gnter, 2000). Language is the basic necessity for communication and hence best practice pre departure training should include language training in order to derive considerably favorable outcomes such as improved negotiation capabilities. While many organizations prefer to exclude language training due to the complexity involved in training as well as learning a new language, the necessity of consistent monitoring of the retention of language skills is also a setback for inclusion of language practice in pre departure training. Cultural awareness programs are intended for effective performance of tasks and are a fundamental inclusion in the pre departure training program. As per research of Nickson cultural awareness would enable the expatriates to appreciate the culture of the host country as well as understand the behavioral and orientation problems observed in host country. Furthermore, expatriates could garner a conclusive interpretation of suitable coping patterns from the observations in cultural awareness programs (Nickson, 2013). The cultural awareness programs are considered as the most crucial phases of pre departure training and are associated with numerous variations depending on individual factors such as host country, duration of stay and the objectives of the business assignment. Despite the consideration of individual components required for the most efficient pre departure training, the major setbacks for training of expatriates is associated with the distinctive influencing factors such as the length of training, level of rigor, the period of stay and level of integration required for the international business assignment. Generally, the period of stay for expatriates is the influential moderator of pre departure training plans. The period of stay is responsible for deciding the degree of integration which includes low, moderate and high levels. According to Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, expatriates required to stay for durations less than one month could be classified in the low degree of integration while those assigned with almost a year of stay in the international business environment are classified under the moderate degree of integration category. Individuals assigned for periods of stay exceeding one year are subject to high degree of integration (Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, 2012). The distinct levels of integration are responsible for the decision on the cross cultural training approach to be followed for the expatriates. The cross-cultural training could be referred to as the cultural awareness component of pre departure training and the distinct approaches which could be identified for the distinct le vels of interaction. As per Storey, information giving approach is preferred for expatriates in the low degree of integration (Storey, 2014). The training period for this category of expatriates is generally lesser than one week which involves minimal level of rigor. The information giving approach is associated with the use of area briefings, basic language training, cultural knowledge through books and films and use of interpreters. The expatriates classified in the moderate level of integration are subjected to training periods of almost one month and they are required to follow the affective approach in cross cultural training. The affective approach involved critical incidents, moderate language training, case studies, role playing and stress reduction training. As per Vance, Charles Yongsun, the expatriates selected for high level of integration are characterized with high level of rigor in training period which could last from one to two months. The high level of integration requires immersion approach of cultural training involving simulations, extensive language training, and sensitivity training and field experi ences (Vance, Charles Yongsun, 2016). The effectiveness of pre departure training could be apprehended from the individual components included in an ideal pre departure training program. The significance of pre departure training program can be apprehended on distinct scales depending on the type of international business assignment as well as the selected type of cross cultural training program. The ability of handling spouse adjustment in the domain of international human resource management has led to the proliferation of distinct resources for progress of an organization in international business assignments. While the apprehension of individual measures for the components of pre departure training is imperative for multinational corporations, it is also necessary to understand the significance of ongoing expatriate development program. The training and development of expatriates is necessary, considering the requirement of varying competencies for success in international business assignments (Waxin, Marie Alexandr a, 2016). Expatriate development programs are intended for the improvisation of cognitive, performance and behavioral competencies. These programs enable the acquisition of facts and information related to the host country, integration of abilities to adapt to unprecedented conditions, acquire the justified business etiquettes, display of cross-cultural communication as well as the abilities pertaining to managerial skills, development of support networks and learning in context of the job itself (Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, 2012). Conclusion The provision of prolific international training and development practices in multinational corporations could be classified as a mandatory initiative. The identification of real world examples of pre departure training programs as well as the suggested best practice models could be validated as potential resources for expatriates to accomplish competitiveness in an international business assignment. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Aswathappa, K. (2013).Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Budhwar, P. S., Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013).Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Caligiuri, Paula et al. (2001): "The Theory Of Met Expectations Applied To Expatriate Adjustment: The Role Of Crosscultural Training".The International Journal of Human Resource Management12.3 357-372. Web. Mendenhall, Mark E. and G?nter K. Stahl. (2000) "Expatriate Training And Development: Where Do We Go From Here?".Human Resource Management39.2-3: 251-265. Web. Nickson, D. (2013).Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge. Puck, Jonas F., Markus G. Kittler, and Christopher Wright (2008), "Does It Really Work? Re-Assessing The Impact Of Pre-Departure Cross-Cultural Training On Expatriate Adjustment".The International Journal of Human Resource Management19.12 2182-2197. Web. Stahl, G. K., Bjrkman, I., Morris, S. (Eds.). (2012).Handbook of research in international human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Storey, J. (2014).New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Vance, Charles M. and Yongsun Paik. (2016) "One Size Fits All In Expatriate Pre?Departure Training?". N.p.,. Print. Waxin, Marie?France and Alexandra Panaccio. (2016), "Cross?Cultural Training To Facilitate Expatriate Adjustment: It Works!". N.p.,. Print.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Low life expectancy free essay sample

Today’s world is all about speed. Every single process is studied and programmed to be as quick as possible, with optimal efficiency. We are currently witnessing a fundamental transformation of the society that we can qualify as a robotisation, essentially in the developped countries. That could be beneficial for some countries, in some fields, for some people. But we all should be aware that there are humans that cannot follow this step. In fact, this new process is involving a wider gap between developped countries and the least developped countries concerning life expectancy. Life expectancy is an average number of year given to a person at his birth depending on the country he was born in, and it is a factor defining the health of a country. Diseases, war, famine, death rates in one hand, national economic prosperity, standard education and performant healthcare in the other hand, there are many factors affecting the life expectancy in each country, making it better or worse. We will write a custom essay sample on Low life expectancy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People tend to have. a longer. life in western countries like Israel where the average expectancy life is 81 years old, instead of Zimbabwe, where the average expectancy life is 52 years old (CIA, 2012). This essay will assess two solutions to low life expectancy in the developping world. First, the. promotion and improvement of the health care system and infrastructure, then the development of appropriate education programs to instruct and educate the population of those third world countries. The countries where life expectancy is very low are country where death rates are very high. These death rates are caused by further facts as war, diseases, pandemics and outbreaks so we can notice that healthcare system and infrastructure are very important to maintain the population in a good shape. The difference between developped and developping countries concerning this matter has always been the economical issues. Developping countries, in order to improve their situation, must establish plans wich will structure an efficient government budget, however because of their low or very low GDP, this budget could be extremely tight regarding. healthcare and infrastructures dedicated to that matter. For example in UK, the budget dedicated to healthcare represents eleven percent of the GDP, whereas Angola uses only 2% of public expenditure (WHO,2005). Due to such a low budget dedicated to Healthcare, developping countries are not able to provide efficient treatments and qualified medical staff to their citizens. The only solution to that issue for developping coutries is to increase their health care budget and place the ministry of health upper in their priorities. Increasing the tax rates on high income people would raise the budget and slightly rise the budget by 2% in the Gross Domestic Product. Government should aso work on the drug prices and user fees to make it more affordable , and control the parallel market to prevent fiscal losses. A reasonnable and efficient use of ressources should imply an equilibrium in the third world economies and make them refill their budget. That would make the coutry eligible for a financial help from the world bank, the african development Bank or the IMF. Construction of new hospitals and purchases of drugs would then be possible perspectives. Moreover, the governments should focus on supportive private health care and introduction of a health insurance that would help people keep their money and still get efficient treatments. Improving healthcare all over the world and especially in the developping coutries is actually one of the most relevant issues of the 21rst century. The second part of the essay focuses on the educational kind of treatment that people in the developping coutries should get in order to educate them to the new technologies that they will be facing, the new facilities that tey will be using. Education will also allow the medical staff to supply the knowledge and services that people are expecting. On top of that, education will improve peoples situation, working in better places and not being in contact with diseases and bacterias. They will earn more money and that is improving the situation of the country as well, by increasing the GDP. We can say that ducation is at the begining of the chain that will bring a country to prosperity. In order to improve the medical treatments quality, the ministry of education should organize training programs and. seminars for the. medical body (WHO, 2000). In a close collaboration with the ministry of Health and some associations, the Ministry of education should promote hygenie among primary schools, high schools, universities and other educational institutions through presentations, or conferences with medical bodies or even advertisement. The local associations should be also supported and prevention should happen mor often. Give soap a chance! (wash hands, 2012) is a slogan used by NHS in the UK, a world leading country in terms of health. Awareness of young people associated with scientific knowledge and prevention actions would be a great sanitary improve and could lead to a rie in the life expectancy rise. According to the previous sayings, we can say that life expectancy could be well improved by working on how to manage the budget to improve the sanitary system, and improving the educational system that will in a way rise the awareness of people concerning health care and science. Even if we focused on two aspects of low life expectancy solutions, we should mention that famine, war and natural disasters are also issues that governments should work on.